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A trip to the USA

Республика Мордовия
Большеберезниковский район
МОУ «Косогорская  средняя общеобразовательная школа»
 учитель английского языка
Шачков Вячеслав Владимирович


Тема урока: A trip to America

Задачи урока:

O        Контроль усвоения изученной лексики;

O        Тренировка речемыслительных навыков;

O        Развитие навыков диалогической речи;


Цели урока:


·          повторение и закрепление нового лексического и грамматического материала по теме “Welcome to America”;

·          приобретение практических навыков при работе с диалогами и монологами;

·          приобретение практических навыков поведения в конкретных речевых ситуациях.


u        развитие навыков  диалогической речи с употреблением лексики по теме “ Welcome to America ”;

u        развитие интереса у учащихся к общению на  английском языке;

u         развитие творческих способностей и фантазии у учащихся;


v       воспитание культуры общения на английском языке;

v       воспитание чувства коллективизма;


·          общение и выражение своих мыслей на изучаемом иностранном языке. Тренировка всех видов речевой деятельности: аудирования, чтения. говорения, письма.



учебник, индивидуальные карточки и раздаточный материал, наглядные пособия, представленные с помощью современных информационных технологий – компьютера.


 Структура урока

                                                         I.      Приветствие

                                                     II.      Речевая зарядка

                                                   III.      Аудирование

                                                   IV.      Речевая деятельность

                                                     V.      Составление диалогов

                                                   VI.      Чтение

                                                VII.      Повторение лексики и грамматики

      Письменная работа с учебником

                                              VIII.                                                                          Работа с диалогами

                                                   IX.      Подведение итогов

                                                      X.       Выставление оценок.

                                                   XI.      Домашнее задание


І. Good morning boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Today we are the 25-th of November. It is Thursday today. How are you? How do you do? I’m fine, thank you..


Our theme today is “A trip to America”

·          Do you like to travel?

·          What English speaking countries do you know?

·          What English speaking country would you like to visit?


ІІ. First of all let’s train our tongues. Here you can see a tongue twister.

 Father, mother, sister, brother

Hands in hands with one another


 Repeat after me this tongue twister all together.

Thank you. Ok, now read it, please. Thank you very much. Good job.


ІІІ. Oh, you know, today I have got a parcel. What a strange box is it. What is there inside? Let’s see… . Very  interesting. Let’s listen to it.

Hi! My name is Mike. I am 12 years old. My hobby is computing. Also I like reading books.

I have got a family. I have a father, a mother, a sister and a brother. My father’s name is John. He is 35. He is a doctor. He likes computing too. My mother’s name is Angela. She is 32. She likes flowers. Also, I have a sister. She is 10. Her name is Mary. She has got a cat and a tortoise. My brother’s name is James. He is 14 years old. His hobby is sport.

We are very happy family and love each other.

Welcome to visit us in London.

Good bye. Your friend Mike Brown. 


Is it clear for you?

Did you understand this letter?

Well. Now we will listen to it again.



1.       What is his name?

2.      How old is he?

3.      What are his hobbies?

4.      Has he got a family?

5.      Is his family big?

6.      Has he got a sister?

7.      How many brothers has he got?

8.      Does his mother like flowers?

9.      How old is his sister?

10.   What is his sister’s name?

11.   Has his sister a dog?

12.   What does his sister have?

13.   Are they happy family?

14.   Would you like to visit him in London?


ІV. So, today we will prepare for the trip to Washington and we’ll speak about our families.

а) So, Mike Brown has got a father, a mother, a sister and a brother. And what about you? What can you tell me about your families?

1.       Have you got a family?

2.      Is your family big or small?

3.      What is your father’s name?

4.      What is your mother?

5.      Have you got any brothers or sisters?

6.      How many sisters have you got?

7.      Have you got grandparents?


Б) Thank you very much. Great. Now it is your turn to ask me questions. I see you are able to ask questions.

(учащиеся задают мне вопросы)


с) Thank you very much. Another task for you. You should ask each other about your favourite sports and hobbies. Tell me please, what questions can you ask?

(учащиеся задают вопросы друг другу)


What is your hobby?

What is your favourite sport?

Have you got a pet?

Is your family big?

How old are you?

What grade are you in?


V. Writing practice. Thank you very much. Well done. Now I will give you sheets of paper with dialogues. You should put the sentences in the correct order.


·          My hobby is sport. I like tennis. And what about you?

·          Hello, and I am Sveta. How are you?

·          I like reading very much.

·          So, it was nice to meet you.

·          See you, Sveta!

·          What is your hobby, John?

·          And I have two brothers but no sisters.

·          I am 12 too. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

·          How old are you, Sveta?

·          Pleased to meet you too. Good bye!

·          Me too, thank you.

·          I am 12 years old, and you, John?

·          Yes, I have. I have two brothers and a younger sister.

·          I’m fine, thank you. and you?

·          Hi, my name is John.


-          My hobby is collecting stamps.  And what about you?

-          Hello, and I am Diana. How are you?

-          I like playing computer games very much.

-          So, it was nice to meet you.

-          See you, Diana!

-          What is your hobby, Sasha?

-          I have a brother and a sister.

-          I am 13. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

-          How old are you, Diana?

-          Pleased to meet you too. Good bye!

-          Me too, thank you.

-          I am 12 years old, and you, Sasha?

-          Yes, I have. I have two sisters and a older brother.

-          I’m fine, thank you. And you?

-          Hi, my name is Sasha.


Now read please what have you done. Read your dialogues, please.

Ok, look at the screen and check.


. Rest. Ok. Thank you very much. It is time to have a rest. At the screen you can see Mike’s letter with some pictures. Try to read what he writes.

VII. Thank you very much. So, it is time to make our luggage and prepare for the trip to the United States. What things will we take if we go to America? As for me, if I go to America I’ll take a camera and a suit case with me, but I will not take a bicycle.

What about you?

(учащиеся должны использовать предложения типа:)

If I go to America I will take …… with me

If I go to America I will not take …… with me


VIII. Writing practice


So we are ready to fly to Washington. Close your eyes and say: one, two, three – we  fly to Washington.

When we are in Washington we need to fill in the arrival record. Open your books on the page 59 and do exercise 1 in the written form. As for me, I’ll give you sheets of paper where you will write. You have 2 minutes to fill in the blanks. Write, please.


IX. Conversation practice.

Your homework was to be ready for the dialogues.

The first dialogue is “In the airport”

Please come here and act.


The second dialogue is “In the American family”

Are you ready? So, come here and act.


X. Thank you very much for your work. It is time to go home.


O        Did you like in America?

O        What were your American friends?

O        What are their names?

O        How old are they?

O        What grade were they in?

O        Would you like to visit America again?


XI. Today you have worked wonderful. Thank you very much. Your marks are



Open your diaries and write down the homework. You must be ready for the words dictation. All the words are  on the pages 60-61.


Well. Stand up. The lesson is over.

Thank you very much. Good bye.

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