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At a food shop


banana, банан

Республика Мордовия
Большеберезниковский район
План конспект
 Урока английского языка
“At a food shop”
проведенного в 6  классе
Шачков Вячеслав  Владимирович
 2003 год


Тема урока: “At a food shop”

 Задачи урока:

O       Контроль усвоения изученной лексики;

O       Тренировка речемыслительных навыков;

O       Развитие навыков диалогической речи;


Цели урока:


·         повторение

и закрепление нового лексического и грамматического материала по теме “At a food shop”;

·         приобретение практических навыков при работе с диалогами и монологами;

·         приобретение практических навыков поведения в конкретных речевых ситуациях.


u       развитие навыков  диалогической речи с употреблением лексики по теме “ At a food shop ”;

u       развитие интереса у учащихся к общению на  английском языке;

u        развитие творческих способностей и фантазии у учащихся;


v     воспитание культуры общения на английском языке;

v     воспитание чувства коллективизма;


·         общение и выражение своих мыслей на изучаемом иностранном языке.



учебник, доска, мел, магнитофон с аудиозаписями чтения английских слов и диалогов, индивидуальные карточки и раздаточный материал.


Ход урока

І. Оргмомент. Введение темы.

  1. Приветствие.
  2. Проверка присутствующих.

Good afternoon boys and girls, our dear guests. Today we will talk about fruits and vegetables. We should make some dialogues to learn how behave ourselves in real situations at a food shop. Also we’ll read, write and play. OK, are you ready? So, let’s start our lesson.


ІІ. Фонетическая разминка.

Open please your books on the page 181   exercise №3

a)      Listen to the tape recorder and repeat after the announcer.

b)      Read please these words.


ІІІ. Работа с лексикой.

Thank you very much for your reading, it was very nice. We have another task now. Listen to me attentively and answer my questions:


a) What is your favourite fruit?

What is your favourite vegetable?

What colour is tomato?

What colour is banana?

What colour is orange?

What colour can be apple?

Thank you very much. You are very good. Now tell me please what colour are the following fruits and vegetables. For example I say: Grapes are ….. and you continue  green. Is it clear for you? Ok.

b) An onion is…

A cabbage is …

A beetroot is…

A lettuce is…

An orange is…

An apple is…

A cucumber is…

A banana is…

A carrot is…

c)     Thank you very much. Well done. Now I propose you some puzzles, try to guess what is it.


This fruit is yellow in the form of a lamp.

This vegetable is big, yellow and oval.

These berries are round, red and small.

This vegetable is green and long.

This fruit is yellow and oval.

What do English people call water melon?


Thank you very much. Good job.


ІV. What associations do you have with these words.

  Go to the blackboard and write down names of fruits and vegetables you know.


V. Единицы измерения веса и объема.

А теперь мы с вами поработаем с единицами измерения веса и объема английских продуктов.


Open page 180 exercise №2. Listen to me translate and answer my questions.


A pound… What can be a pound? A cheese, a sausage…

A bottle… What can be a bottle? A milk, an oil, a juice…

A box… What can be a box? A tea, a cereal, biscuits…

A bar… What can be a bar? A chocolate, a marmalade, a tea…

A Jar… What can be a jar? A honey, a marmalade…

A loaf… What can be a loaf? Bread, certainly.

A dozen… What can be a dozen? Eggs, lemons…

A bunch … What can be a bunch? Grapes, cherry, bananas…


 VІ. Работа с учебником.


Open your books on the page 181 and look at the picture in the exercise 6. What can you see there? Is it a market? What fruits and vegetables can you see there?

Imagine that you are there and you buy something for the dinner. Now I’ll give you price lists. Here you are. Tell me please what can you buy for 5 pounds.

Price list.

u       Lemon…………?1.00

u       Pineapple……...?1.20

u       Cucumber……..?0.25

u       Oranges……….?0.40

u       Plum……… …..?0.50

u       Cherry…………?0.55

u       Grapes………   ?0.60

u       Strawberries…..?0.65

u       Raspberry……..?0.65

u       Bananas……… .?0.70

(учащиеся делают сообщения о том, что они могут купить на ?5)


Example: For ?5 I can buy 2 pounds of lemons, 3 pounds of bananas, 1 pound of oranges and 1 pound of plums.


VІІ. Подготовка к диалогу.

Thank you very much for your work. I can see you are able to buy what you need at English market. Now please listen to me and translate.


Can I help you?

Can you show me lemons, please?

I’m looking for cherries. Have you got any?

I’d like a pound of bananas.

How much is it?

Anything else?

That is ?5. 50p.

Here you are.

Give the back translation, please.


Могу ли я Вам помочь?

Вот, пожалуйста.

Это будет стоить 3 фунта 40 пенсов.

Не могли бы Вы показать мне лимоны пожалуйста?

Эти? Нет, те.

Я хотел бы фунт бананов, пожалуйста.

Я ищу вишню, у Вас есть она?

Сколько это стоит?


Listen to the dialogue and translate.

          Good morning, lady. How are you?

         Good morning, thanks.

         Can I help you?

         Yes, please. I’m looking for grapes. Have you got any?

         Yes, certainly. It is very good.

         I’d like three bunches, please.

         Here you are. Anything else?

         Yes, one pound of lemons, a dozen of oranges, two pounds of raspberry and pineapple, please.

         Is that all?

         Yes, it is. How much is that?

         That is ?8 60 pence.

         Thank you very much. Good bye.

         Good bye.


VІІІ. Составление диалогов.

Now I can see that you are ready to make up your own dialogues. Sit together and work in pairs. You will have five minutes to prepare them. After that you will act near the blackboard.

(учащиеся составляют диалоги. В это время по магнитофону звучит мелодия, чтобы заполнить возникшую паузу)


ІX. Речевая игра.

Thank you very much. Your dialogues were excellent. We have worked hard and now it is time to play. Here you can see a box and there are pictures of fruits and vegetables.

Your task is to guess what is there. You may ask questions about form and colour. Also you may ask direct questions but if you are wrong you lose the turn. Ready? Ok. Let’s start!

Possible questions:

O       What form is it?

O       What colour is it?

O       Is it fruit or vegetable?

O       Is it a lemon?

 X. Подведение итогов.

Thank you very much. Our time is over and now we should to make the conclusion and to get our marks.

 XІ. Выставление оценок.

 XІІ. Домашнее задание.

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